Date : 2019-11-23
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Mr.Adel Elamie, the chairman of PortSaid Chamber of Shipping asserted that the crisis of transferring salaries of shaip sailors is near to be solved >
He also cleared that the last period witnessed the customs officers , stopping employees of the shipping agencies from delivering the money to ship masters to afford the crew, sailors’ salaries and ship obligations.
He added that this problem has been displayed to parliament’s plan and budget committee .
Mentioning that “Cash to Master” service starting to make the shipping agency receive instructions from the owner of the ship on mail to transfer the money and give it to the captain, through official banks and controlled by the Central Bank, then the bank give the money to the shipping agent, and give him a letter stating the value of the money and that it belongs to the ship,after that the shipping agency deals with the customs,and release a customs voucher ,accompanied by a customs officer , and give the money to the master under the signature and seal of ship.